The Mark of Athena review by: Kassandra



Ω”The Mark of Athena” is the 3rd book from Rick Riordan’s new series (The heroes of Olympus) and in the book Annabeth is flyng on the ship Leo made to go to camp Jupiter to find Percy Jackson, her boyfriend. But when they arrive the camp thinks they are under attack until they see one of their camp kids on the ship. When they get off,  Leo gives Octavia a tour of the ship but thats when his body gets posessed and Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Percy, Hazel, and Frank had to get on the ship and go. When Piper, Annabeth, and Hazel went to see Aphrodite, the Roman kids came to attack, but long after they left they arrived to old Rome were Annabeth had to leave their group quest to finish the “Mark of Athena” which her mom sent her on.  When Annabeth goes underground, she breaks her leg and has to make a cast for her leg. After some walking time she found what was lost from her mom for eons.  A big spider (the enemy of all Athena kids) came and said she had to die, but when Annabeth tricks the spider into making her own trap, the flower opens up taking the spider to “tarturus” but the spider attachs a piece of web on her. When Percy and the crew come, the flower starts to give away and well the boys get the Athena statue on the ship, Annabeth falls down the hole and Percy grabs on, they let go of the ledge and fall. The next book is called “The House of Hades” and its coming out in fall 2013.:) 

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